Apache Sling Pipes: Real World Examples

- Do you want to move your AEM tags from /etc/tags to /content/cq:tags?
- Do you want to update the cq:designPath property across 1,000s of pages is AEM because the design was moved from /etc/design to /apps/settings?
- Have you heard about Sling Pipes but can’t find any real world examples on how to make it happen in AEM?
- Read on for three real world scenarios that will hopefully help you unlock the power Sling Pipes for most of your use cases.
Unfortunately, the Sling Pipes bundle is not included AEM OOTB. Before you do anything else, please install the Sling Pipes and Sling Query bundles on your AEM instance — both of these are available on Maven Central.
Calling your pipe
All pipes in this blog can we accessed via POST call, like:
curl -u admin:admin -X POST http://localhost:4502/path/to/mypipe.json
Moving AEM tags
Sling Pipe to move tags from /etc to /content
- Creates the cq:tags folder
- Add properties to the folder
- Finds all the cq:Tag nodes under /etc/tags.
- Moves them by replacing the /etc/tags in the path with /content/cq:tags.
"jcr":"description":"This Sling Pipe moves tags from the path defined in the tags-root to /content ",
}, "findTags":{
"expr":"/jcr:root/etc/tags//element(*, cq:Tag)",
"expr":"${path.findTags.replace(" "/etc/tags" ", " "/content/cq":"tags" ")}",
Updating a single value property
- Runs a query to find all cq:Page nodes where the cq:designPath property is set to /etc/designs/mydesign.
- Gets the jcr:content node of the page.
- Updates the property with the path under /apps/settings/….
"expr":"/jcr:root/content//element(*, cq:Page)[(jcr:content/@cq:designPath = '/etc/designs/mydesign')]",
Updating a multi-value property
- Find all cq:Page nodes where the cq:cloudserviceconfigs property exists.
- Gets the jcr:content child.
- Gets each property of the multivalue property; for each value.
- On the path of the node returned by the “findNodes” pipe, writes a new property “cloudServiceConfigTmp”, by replacing the /etc/cloudservices in the path with /conf/….
- Removes the cq:cloudserviceconfigs property.
- Gets each property of the multivalue property; for each value.
- Writes the value, as is in the new cq:cloudserviceconfigs property
- Removes the temp property.
"expr":"/jcr:root/content//element(*, cq:Page)[(jcr:content/@cq:cloudserviceconfigs)]",
Updating a single-value property
- Find all the nodes under /content where the sling:resourceType property is dam/components/scene7/dynamicmedia
- For each node, update the s7ViewerPreset property to replace /etc/dam/presets with /conf/global/settings/dam/dm/presets
"jcr":"created":"Wed Nov 11 2020 20:44:06 GMT-0700",
"statusModified":"Wed Nov 11 2020 22:20:47 GMT-0500",
"jcr":"created":"Wed Nov 11 2020 20:44:06 GMT-0700",
"jcr":"created":"Wed Nov 11 2020 20:44:06 GMT-0700",
"jcr":"created":"Wed Nov 11 2020 20:44:06 GMT-0700",
Good luck!