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Optimizing AEM Search Queries


Is your AEM site suffering from slow search queries? Are your queries properly indexed? Have you tested your query performance using AEM’s built in tools?

Search performance can make or break a site’s experience, especially as the site continues to grow. Yet, it is often overlooked until there’s a major problem.

We’ve recognized that many of our customizers may be unaware their logs are loaded with warnings just like this:

Missing search index that causes large repository traversal causing performance issues due to high disk I/O

Understanding how a query can be improved, whether through indexing or just refining the parameters, along with using AEM’s query performance tools can be crucial to good design.

And so, with that in mind, we’re trying to help. We’re presenting a new series of AEM Search Performance Experiments:

We hope this repo will simplify things a bit around this complex and broad topic through a series of simple labs you can do at your own pace, anytime.

Our goal is to demonstrate the performance gains of search best practices in AEM. Currently you’ll find topics like Lucene property indexing and query refinement, but we hope to add more.

And you can help! If you have an idea for how we can better help you with your search optimization journey, we’d love to hear from you in the issues, or even send us a PR.

Thanks for reading. It’s much appreciated and we hope these AEM Search Experiments serve you well.



Published in Adobe Tech Blog

News, updates, and thoughts related to Adobe, developers, and technology.

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